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Denunciar Banahosting.com

Tema en 'Web Hosting' iniciado por marchesi, 21 May 2010.

  1. marchesi

    marchesi Nuevo usuario

    Hola soy Marchesi, ante todo quiero felicitarlos por su excelente comunidad mi siguiente cuestión es en relación a BanaHosting.com, desde ya hace varios meses algunos bot estuvieron dejando comentarios spam en mis blogs, también e recibido mails con varias paginas warez de descarga ilegal alojadas en banahosting, según sus dns, envíe varios mails tratando de contactarme con ellos ya que esa clase de contenido no esta permito según banahosting pero sin embargo están vigente, no e logrado comunicarme, no responden mails no se hacen cargo de nada, ahora yo quisiera empezar una denuncia penal hacia banahosting.com, agradeceria si alguien puede orientarme un poco porque la verdad que estoy cansado de esta falta de seriedad.

    Saludos Cordiales, cualquier ayuda es bienvenida.

  3. nexovirtual

    nexovirtual Usuario activo

    Si no estas a gusto con tus vecinos, y el propietario pasa, mudate y seras feliz.
  4. MecanicaIP

    MecanicaIP Usuario activo

    Sabias palabras nexovirtual estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo.
  5. vps593

    vps593 __EXPULSADO__

    Deacuerdo con nexovirtual ? pero toma en cuenta algo mas, SI no te gustan los vecinos no solo te mudes a casa nueva reacondicionala , te recomiendo compres un vps ?? de preferencia administrado asi no tienes vecinos que te molesten.. :D
  6. daosorio

    daosorio Usuario activo

    Hola marchesi!

    Si ya has buscado ponerte en contacto con ellos y no has encontrado respuesta por parte de ellos, pues no se qué tanto ganes con una demanda. Lo mejor sería buscar a otro proveedor que sí pueda ayudarte.

    En este foro hay varios que dan un excelente servicio, los cuales puedes contactar por el servicio de Chat que ofrecen en su sitio, para poder ver la posible migración de tu sitio a otro proveedor que sí de la cara.

    Esperamos poder tener noticias tuyas pronta.

    Saludos cordiales!
  7. Andres_T

    Andres_T Usuario activo

    No voy a justificar a nadie, no tengo razones para defender o acusar a ese host, pero si tu deseas presentar una denuncia, debes de hacerte primero con las pruebas, eso es importante, sin pruebas tu denuncia cae en saco roto, como ves recibiras cada respuesta por parte de los usuarios de este foro.
  8. easygohost

    easygohost Usuario activo

    La mejor forma de defenderte del spam es evitar dejar datos de email en cualquier pagina donde sea facil de levantar por los buenos programitas de recoleccion de email. Ni hablar de evitar cadenas de email de tus propios amigos y luego ya mas avanzado colocarle al blog alguna proteccion para que no dejen escritos promocionando web que no deseas... y solo lo hagan personas registradas al sitio y demas. Sobre la denuncia en si, podrias recurrir a los organimos que se encargan de bloquear ips y asi ir aislando el sitio de buscadores, directorios, empresas y demas si es que la empresa aun no te responde.
  9. BanaHosting.com

    BanaHosting.com Usuario activo


    Podrias enviarnos los detalles de este reporte, ya que no lo hemos recibido.

    los pasos para enviarnos un complaint son los siguientes.

    Sample Copyright Complaint Steps

    BanaHosting requires DMCA notices to be filed via email to admin@banahosting.com . The complaint must include full contact information in the complaint (including phone number). We will call and verify. Email (unless digitally signed by a verified and trusted third party) is not an acceptable medium for legal complaints. This ticket system has received what appears to be a possible DMCA complaint, but one or more of the following are missing: (a) the complaint does not contain sufficient information (b) the format of the complaint is inconsistent with the requirements of the DMCA (c) the complaint has been submitted via email without proper authentication (d) full contact information is missing. We will need you to re-submit your claim, using the proper format, including sufficient details, via email to admin@banahosting.com. Instructions on how to do so follow.
    It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. This response describes the information that should be present in these notices. It is designed to make submitting notices of alleged infringement to us as straightforward as possible while reducing the number of notices that we receive that are fraudulent or difficult to understand or verify. The form of notice specified below is consistent with the form suggested by the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the text of which can be found at the U.S. Copyright Office Web Site, http://www.copyright.gov) but we will respond to notices of this form from other jurisdictions as well.
    To file a notice of infringement with us, you must provide a written communication that sets forth the items specified below. Please note that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) if you materially misrepresent that a product or activity is infringing your copyrights. Accordingly, if you are not sure whether material available online infringes your copyright, we suggest that you first contact an attorney.
    To expedite our ability to process your request, please use the following format (including section numbers):
    1. Identify in sufficient detail the copyrighted work that you believe has been infringed upon (for example, "The copyrighted work at issue is the text that appears on http://www.BanaHosting.com/tos.shtml") or other information sufficient to specify the copyrighted work being infringed (for example, "The copyrighted work at issue is ?Intellectual Property: Valuation, Exploitation, and Infringement Damages? by Gordon V. Smith, published by Wiley, ISBN #047168323X").
    2. Identify the material that you claim is infringing the copyrighted work listed in item #1 above. You must identify each web page that allegedly contains infringing material. This requires you to provide the URL for each allegedly infringing result, document, or item.
    An example:

    Infringing Web Pages:
    3. Provide information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact you.
    4. Provide information, if possible, sufficient to permit us to notify the owner/administrator of the allegedly infringing webpage or other content (email address is preferred).
    5. Include the following statement: "I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law."
    6. Include the following statement: "I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed."
    7. Send us all this info.
    Regardless of whether we may be liable for such infringement under local country law or United States law, we may respond to these notices by removing or disabling access to material claimed to infringe and/or terminating users of our services. If we remove or disable access in response to such a notice, we will make a good-faith attempt to contact the owner or administrator of the affected site or content so that the owner or administrator may make a counter notification.
    We may also document notices of alleged infringement on which we act. As with all legal notices, a copy of the notice may be made available to the public and sent to one or more third parties who may make it available to the public.
    In order to ensure that copyright owners do not wrongly insist on the removal of materials that actually do not infringe their copyrights, the safe harbor provisions require service providers to notify the subscribers if their materials have been removed and to provide them with an opportunity to send a written notice to the service provider stating that the material has been wrongly removed. [512(g)]
    If a subscriber provides a proper "counter-notice" claiming that the material does not infringe copyrights, the service provider must then promptly notify the claiming party of the individual's objection. [512(g)(2)] If the copyright owner does not bring a lawsuit in district court within 14 days, the service provider is then required to restore the material to its location on its network. [512(g)(2)(C)]
    If it is determined that the copyright holder misrepresented its claim regarding the infringing material, the copyright holder then becomes liable to the OSP for any damages that resulted from the improper removal of the material. [512(f)]
    Última edición: 26 May 2010
  10. vicram

    vicram Usuario activo

    No pretendo defender a nadie pero ....

    si no creo mal esto es culpa tuya por tener o usar un software defectuoso con agujeros de seguridad y/o acceso a usuarios sin revisar sus altas o publicación de comentarios sin captcha

    de esto tambien eres culpable solo con tener el email puesto en tu pagina, y en el registro de tu dominio, datos accesibles en internet
  11. marchesi

    marchesi Nuevo usuario

    Hola muchas gracias por responder mis inquietudes, todo fue resuelto de manera exitosa con banahosting, con respecto al ultimo comentario quiero aclarar que una web acorde a la seriedad uno deja a la vista del usuario uno o varios mails, con el tema del software defectuoso diría que no hay sistema 100% seguro y por ultimo haciendo referencia a los filtros de spam sigo trabajando en ello. :aprueba:

    Muchas gracias por todas sus respuestas, mis disculpas por no responder con anterioridad.

    Saludos Cordiales


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