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Tutorial mattepainting con photoshop(en ingles)

Tema en 'Tutoriales Desarrollo Web' iniciado por bambanx, 21 Dic 2007.

  1. bambanx

    bambanx Guest

    Hola a todos aca les dejo un tutorial de mattepainting una hermosa tecnica que mezlcla l apintura digital , fotomanipulacion y en algunos casos 3d , este tutorial esta realizado solo con photoshop espero que les guste y lo siento que este en ingles , lo saque de una revista que tengo .

    - Creating the base of image.

    The major part of the process is slow and requires great attention to details, so you can easily get lost if you're not careful. Fig. 01 is the origianl photo courtesy of Peter Fuzfa. Fif 02 shows two references for the dried out river bed.
    <img src="http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/2938/47423662bu3.jpg" border="0" onload='image_resizer._create(this)' alt="Imagen IPB" />

    <img src="http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/5882/20022099qi3.jpg" border="0" onload='image_resizer._create(this)' alt="Imagen IPB" />

    Fig. 03 The rough base of the image (lower part distorted for correct perspective).
    <img src="http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/2605/55982909gb7.jpg" border="0" onload='image_resizer._create(this)' alt="Imagen IPB" />

    Continua en la web de kornel ravadits <a href="http://www.graphitelight.hu/" target="_blank">http://www.graphitelight.hu/</a>

    Espero que les guste un abrazo.
  3. elQuique

    elQuique Usuario activo

    bambanx, gracias por el aporte.

    Como veras edite el post, y deje solo las primeras imágenes y luego un link a la web del autor ya que nosotros no publicamos tutoriales completos sin consentimiento de los autores, que es lo mismo que reclamamos en nuestras webs.
  4. bambanx

    bambanx Guest

    Ok , entiendo , en la web del autor sale el mismo tutorial pero en idioma hungaro , podrias dejar el texto en ingles para que puedab entender algo . saludos.
  5. bambanx

    bambanx Guest

    Aca dejo el texto en ingles .

    - Creating the base of image.

    The major part of the process is slow and requires great attention to details, so you can easily get lost if you're not careful. Fig. 01 is the origianl photo courtesy of Peter Fuzfa. Fif 02 shows two references for the dried out river bed.

    Fig. 03 The rough base of the image (lower part distorted for correct perspective).

    Fig. 04 Defining the final look of the river bed. I had to repaint all the rocky parts, because there were missing areas (big grey parts in the previus image) and the topology had to be rebuilt because of margit island in teh middle of the basin. I used the final colour palette here.

    Fig 05 Here I refined the building and added some new ones to the scene. I got rid of the street lights and separated the background so later on i colud simply paste in the new one. Adding atmospheric effects and complementary elements to scene. This is the part where the whole of the background becomes a complete image itself. The details we wouldn't notice separately, but would miss if they weren't there are applied in this phase.

    Fig 06 The sky and clouds. This was composited from three photos, this is why it seems like there are two suns. By adding two major (but not equivalent) light sources the background got a more exciting look and feeling of motion at the same time.

    Fig 07 Volumetric lights applied by adding rays of light.

    Fig 08 Highlighting the areas where the light rays reach the surface of the ground.

    Fig. 09 Adding atmospheric perspective with a simple bluish 'color layer' - The value of this effect was applied (by masking) depending on the distance of certain objects.

    Fig.10 Firt layer of fog. This was painted with a brush that leaves a cloud-like or smoke-like mark on the canvas.

    FIg. 11 Second layer of fog . This is a duplicate of the first layer of fog with a bit of a blur added to it. This softens the whole 'fog effect' in certain areas.

    Fig 12 Adding smoke here and there may hardly be recognizable in this phase, yet it enriches the image and gives the while scene a more realistic look.

    Fig 13 A minimal amount of colour correction is applied making the foreground darker, thus emphasizing depth.

    Fig. 14 I painted the air-balloon ships. lights, and their smoke trails on a separate layer. After that I scaled the layer down and aligned the docks to the river bank.

    Fig 15 Final step: atmospheric perspective applied to the all the recently pasted elements.

    Fig 16Final resolution close ups (the original working resolution waseven larger)

  6. tarzans

    tarzans Nuevo usuario

    ¡Que buen trabajo!es impresionante,lastima que no entienda el ingles de todos modos gracias por tu aporte,es genial.
    ¿hay algún alma caritativa que lo pueda traducir al castellano?.Gracias
  7. elQuique

    elQuique Usuario activo

    tarzans, bienvenido al foro
  8. Darkman

    Darkman Nuevo usuario

    gracias bambanx, muy buenos trabajos tiene ese artista.
    Ya veremos que se puede hacer con la traducción.
  9. Blackarcangel

    Blackarcangel Nuevo usuario

    y no la puedes hacer en spañol? jajaj ntk
    buen tuto esta sorprendente
  10. Javi_SuperStar

    Javi_SuperStar Nuevo usuario

    Está bárbaro ese enlace, lástima lo del idioma.

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