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Backhost.us Service de hosting Cloud Offshore 7 dias gratis sin tarjeta de creditO!!!

Tema en 'Ofertas Web Hosting' iniciado por backhost, 6 Feb 2012.

  1. backhost

    backhost Nuevo usuario

    Voy actualizar el post pero mientras visiten: Backhost.us

    Voy a poner cupones, manana o mandarme un pm, voy hacer especiales para comunidad hosting

    Es offshore y esta ubicado en amsterdan. raid10 cloud linux
  3. backhost

    backhost Nuevo usuario

    BackHost Offshore Hosting Solutions

    Why Backhost? Backhost has a vision of offering high quality hosting with affordable pricing for each customer. You can expect to receive the personal support that is hard to find anywhere else. Rest assured, our support quality will not deteriorate with an increase in customers. Unlike other budget hosting companies, the price you pay DOES NOT determine the service you receive. We dare to be different so our goal is to become more unique than any other hosting companies! you are used to!

    • Out of the Area: With offshore web hosting you will find that the restrictions of your home country do not apply. For example if your own country has a ban on specific web content, offshore hosting can help you get around that. This will keep you out of trouble while providing your customers with the content they need.
    • Global Reach: Offshore hosting gives you freedom to promote your business globally. For your business is planning to expand its business through different countries, then offshore business is the best option.
    • Fixed Prices: Something that stops many people from going with offshore hosting is their belief that the price will be considerably higher. Believe it or not, the best offshore web hosting is quite cheap, particularly in the United Kingdom and America.

    Bueno casi todo esta en ingles, pero voy a traducir lo mas que pueda poco a poco


    20% menos al mes: LEAP
    50% el primer mes: 50OFF

    Todos nuestros paquetes incluyen:

    - Latest Cpanel
    - 7 Day Money Back Guarantee
    - Raid 10 Premium Storage
    - Customer Services
    - Live Support
    - Support 24/7
    - Free Setup
    - 99.9% Uptime
    - High Security
    - Instant Activation!
    - 2 Free month yearly paid.*
    - Free cPanel to cPanel Transfer
    - CloudLinux

    y Mucho mas...

    7 Dias de prueba gratis // No requiere datos bancarios!
    Necesitas Probar antes de comprar, somos la compania perfecta para ti
    - Este paquete de prueba gratis termina a los 7 dias de creado, y los datos se borraran 10 dias despues, al menos que actualize el paquete

    Ordenalo Ya!

    Backhost Small One
    Disk Space: 1GB
    Data Transfer: 10GB
    Ftp Accounts: Unlimited
    Database: Unlimited
    Email accounts: Unlimited
    Subdomains: Unlimited
    Monthly Fee: $1.50

    Backhost Starter
    Disk Space: 2GB
    Data Transfer: 25GB
    Ftp Accounts: Unlimited
    Database: Unlimited
    Email accounts: Unlimited
    Subdomains: Unlimited
    Monthly Fee: $3

    Backhost Professional
    Disk Space: 5GB
    Data Transfer: 175GB
    Ftp accounts: Unlimited
    Database: Unlimited
    Email accounts: Unlimited
    Subdomains: Unlimited
    Monthly Fee: $6

    Backhost Ultimate
    Disk Space: 10GB
    Data Transfer: 250GB
    Ftp accounts: Unlimited
    Database: Unlimited
    Email accounts: Unlimited
    Subdomains: Unlimited
    Monthly Fee: $12

    Visit: http://Backhost.us

    Tenemos a disposicion vps y servidores a precios extraordinarios.
    Paquetes personalizados disponibles, contactanos por correo chat o skype:
    sales [@] backhost.us

    Contacto [email protected]

    Skype: backhost
    Última edición: 6 Feb 2012
  4. ideasmultiples

    ideasmultiples Usuario activo

    Backhost eres un spammer, has llenado todo el foro de respuestas basura para poder hacer publicidad, encima escribes en ingles, cuando este foro es en español, la forma de actuar tuya es la de alguien desesperado por vender un dólar, como cuando una empresa es nueva y sin clientes o se está hundiendo....

    Respeta a los demás y no llenes todo de basura...

  5. backhost

    backhost Nuevo usuario

    Si he cometido un error, moderadores, apunten y fuego. :sho:

    y no estoy desesperado por vender, mi negocio se mantiene solo, y ademas da ganacias.

    Saludos tio! :desaprueba:

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