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Parallels Plesk Panel 9.5 (Previsualización marketing)

Tema en 'Paneles y Software' iniciado por ideasmultiples, 9 Mar 2010.

  1. ideasmultiples

    ideasmultiples Usuario activo

  3. hostigal

    hostigal Usuario activo

    Brillante, sabéis el tiempo estimado del lanzamiento de la version standar de Parallels Business Automation 4.4? saludos.
  4. hostigal

    hostigal Usuario activo

    Por cierto alguien lo ha provado ya?? Que nos puede decir de las mejoras? saludos.
  5. ideasmultiples

    ideasmultiples Usuario activo

    Parallels Plesk Panel 9.5.0
    [+] Free migration, installation and upgrade assistance — to help out customers start using Parallels Plesk Panel 9.5, Parallels provides free support for migration, installation and upgrade of the Panel.

    NOTE: Providing free assistance changes licensing options for the Parallels Plesk Panel, so it is required that you obtain a new license for the version 9.5 in the Parallels Online Store located at http://www.parallels.com/store/plesk/.

    [+] PCI Compliance — Parallels Plesk Panel can be made compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. This can be achieved by running a special PCI compliance resolver utility and additional tuning of system components, as described in the document Achieving PCI Compliance for Servers Managed by Parallels Plesk Panel 9.5. The document is available at http://download1.parallels.com/Plesk/Panel9.5/Doc/en-US/plesk-9.5-pci-compliance-guide/.

    [+] Compatibility with Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 — Parallels Plesk Panel is now compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.

    [+] Google Services for Websites support (beta) — Parallels Plesk Panel 9.5 can now be integrated with Google Services for Websites. To learn more, refer to Parallels Plesk Panel 9.5 Administrator's Guide at http://download1.parallels.com/Plesk/PPP9/Doc/en-US/plesk-9.5-administrators-guide/64635.htm.

    IMPORTANT: Currently, this functionality is provided in the Beta state for testing purposes only. Do not try using in a production environment.

    [+] More virtualization solutions supported: Parallels Plesk Panel 9.5 can operate in virtual environments created by the following virtualization solutions: Parallels Virtuozzo Containers, Microsoft Hyper-V, Xen, and VMWare. There are special licensing options for Parallels Panel software operating inside virtual environments. For more information about licensing options, contact your vendor or call Parallels sales team. The phone numbers are listed at http://www.parallels.com/contact/.

    [+] CloudLinux support — Parallels Plesk Panel can now work under CloudLinux operating system.

    [+] Upgraded components: ProFTPD was upgraded to the version 1.3.2e, phpMyAdmin to the version 2.9.11, and Horde Application Framework to the version 3.3.6.

    [-] Migration of websites from Plesk Control Panel 7.5.4 to Parallels Plesk Panel 9.2.1 failed if the SpamAssassin spam filter was configured to remove spam e-mail issue is resolved.

    [-] An unauthenticated remote attacker being able to compromise the system and gain control over it security issues were resolved.

    [-] Cross-site scripting vulnerability was eliminated.

    [-] ProFTPD 1.3.1 was prone to a security vulnerability that allowed attackers to perform cross-site request forgery types of attacks issue is resolved by upgrade of ProFTPD to the version 1.3.2e.

    [-] If a temporary directory on the server was full, FTP network error occurred on attempt to move a file from an FTP storage to the server repository issue is resolved.

    [-] Migration failed if the /tmp file system was full issue is resolved. Now you can specify any other location for the temporary directory.

    [-] If, in Parallels Plesk Panel, there is a domain with the same name as server's hostname, then a message sent to postmaster@$HOSTNAME is bounced back issue is resolved.

    [-] During upgrade, the default client and domain template values were reset issue is resolved.

    [-] Plesk 8.x key was not updated automatically to 9.x during product upgrade issue is resolved.

    [-] After upgrade, var/qmail/control/me file contained only the hostname issue is resolved.

    [-] Scheduled security scanning by Watchdog (System Monitoring) Module could not start issue is resolved.

    [-] Postfix mail server occasionally failed to deliver some e-mail messages with the "Unprocessed command" errors issue is resolved.

    [-] SpamAssassin spam filter incorrectly classified most of the messages delivered in the year 2010 as spam issue is resolved.

    [-] After upgrading Parallels Plesk Panel from versions 8.x to 9.x, scheduled backups could stop working issue is resolved.

    [-] Horde webmail did not open properly in Internet Explorer 8 issue is resolved.

    [-] Web statistics were not calculated properly when the piped logs feature was switched on issue is resolved.

    [-] The Watchdog (System Monitoring) Module showed security warnings (false positives) due to incorrect default configuration issue is resolved.


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