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Plesk 8.4 retirado momentaneamente.

Tema en 'Paneles y Software' iniciado por ideasmultiples, 6 May 2008.

  1. ideasmultiples

    ideasmultiples Usuario activo

    La versión 8.4 se ha retirado momentaneamente y ha dejado de ser accesible, en unos días podreis instalarlo y actualizarlo.

  3. Expel

    Expel __EXPULSADO__

    Gracias por el aviso.
  4. Apolo

    Apolo Administrador Miembro del Staff Administrador CH

    ¿Y alguna idea acerca del por qué?

    Saludos. :aprueba:
  5. ideasmultiples

    ideasmultiples Usuario activo

    Algunos problemas con las estadísticas, de todas formas estas son las mejoras:

    [+] Web application categories - All web applications are now sorted by categories, which makes it easier to choose the right application to install.
    [+] Application Packaging Standard (APS) CGI support - Complete support of APS CGI applications.
    [+] DomainKeys support - You can use DomainKeys e-mail sender authentication system to reduce the amount of spam and phishing e-mails that are sent to your customers.
    [+] Database users prefix - To make managing database users easier, new database users can be created with corresponding client username added to database user name as a prefix.
    [+] Forbidding creation of domains in foreign DNS zones - Plesk now has an option to allow or forbid users to create new subdomains and domain aliases in the DNS zones belonging to other users.
    [+] Component updates - Updates for multiple built-in third-party components, including:
    Horde 3.1.7 and its components
    ProFTPD 1.3.1
    SPAW 2.0
    [+] 4PSA VoipNow integration - Plesk 8.4 provides integration with 4PSA VoipNow
    [+] openSuSE 10.3 support - Plesk 8.4 can be installed on openSuSE 10.3
    [+] Fedora 8 support - Plesk 8.4 can be installed on Fedora 8
    [+] Maximum number of recipients restriction in Qmail - Server administrator can limit maximum number of mail recipients to prevent users from sending mass e-mail.
    [+] Adobe Coldfusion 8 support - Plesk now supports Adobe Coldfusion 8
    [+] New Plesk Control Panel events - New API events generated upon domain and client template creation, update or removal are available.
    [-] Numerous bugs were resolved.

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